Rad Reading – October

This month I read Prodigy, by Marie Lu. It is a sequel of the book Legend. In the beginning they are finding refuge by the Patriots, a group of people trying to bring the USA back to its former glory. They then get a mission to assassinate the new Elector Primo, or the leader of the Republic. The plan is simple, June, a former Republic princess almost, pretend to be caught and get a chance to talk the Elector as a fugitive. She would tell him that the Patriots were planning to kill him when he is in one of the war front cities. When that happens, Day, along with other Patriots, will secretly travel to the new war front city where the real assassination will happen. But when the plan is in motion, June learns that this Elector is different from the last. She thinks it could be a new beginning, and the bloodlust could come to an end.

I really like this book because it is a lot like the last, being filled with non stop action and suspense. Also I like the multiple perspectives so I constantly know all the characters are thinking and doing. I really recommend this book for action lovers.

My favorite character is Day because he is very resilient and always pulls through in the end. Even when things are tough he always finds a way to help people and do things for the better. This is why Day is my favorite character.

My favorite quote from Prodigy is when Day says “Know! Your! Enemy!” This is my favorite because Day is holding support for the person that he decided not to trust earlier and making the Republic change for the better. This now makes everything change because the people follow Day and what he does and the new Elector needed the people on his side to lead the Republic.


If I had to choose a person to switch places with it would be Shohei Ohtani. Shohei is described to be one of, if not the best, MLB baseball player in the world. He can pitch and hit, and excels at both. If would really want to know what it is like to live rich and have butlers. Also a great place for mansion games. Big house, many places to be. Being rich also comes with gourmet meals and private yachts and jets. I wouldn’t mind taking super long flights in a private jet though. I would also like to play on major league fields, hitting towering homers, and pitch 99 mph. I would also like to be famous. Shohei is one of the most famous people across the globe. Not just in the USA. That is why i would want to switch places with Shohei Ohtani.

Best Day Ever!!!!

From the moment I wake up, I would go downstairs and have Snooze chocolate chip pancakes with generous amounts of syrup. After I was done eating, I would go to Knott’s in the morning and we would ride the wildest rides, then eat lunch at In-n-Out. After eating lunch I would then go watch a movie, and then go to a friend’s house for a sleepover with four other people. That night I found out that I won the lottery though, and I would spend it on a fresh mansion, four McLarens, Lamborghinis, and Ferraris. Then I would sleepover there with my friends and we play video games on a 105 by 105 inch TV that was voice activated and had custom LED lighting around it. Then we would play hide and seek in the pitch black (it’s a lot more fun than it seems), around the entire mansion, which had 21 bedrooms and bathrooms each. That would be my perfect day.

Driving Child

The age I would want to be forever is sixteen. I would want to have this age because I would still have less responsibilities because I would still live with my parents. I would also be able to drive so I would have some freedom as well. I would also never have to grow up because I wouldn’t be of legal age to live on my own. I wouldn’t have to pay bills, pay taxes, pay mortgage fees, pay car insurance, pay life insurance, etc. I would also be great to be able to drive wherever I want since I would have a license. Go watch a movie, go to a pro sport game, go to a bowling alley, etc. that is why I would want to be sixteen forever.

MLB Help With the Stars

Crack! Whack! Smack! The ball flies off the bat. Going, going, going, gone! Another one blasted deep to center field by Shohei Ohtani! Many stars in the MLB are great to watch, but what if they get injured or go into a slump? What do you do then? Do you keep the premonition feeling of your team losing a great player’s ability, or do you do something about it? What I think is the best idea is that to keep rooting for your team and the next star in line will take the #1’s place. If you like the Dodgers, Mookie is the star, and Freddie is next in line (it’s very close). With the Braves it’s Ronald Acuña jr, and behind is Matt Olson and Ozzie Albies. From inside your house or in the stands, keep rooting for your team and hope the stars don’t get injured.