Life On The Island, Oh!

Ah, here comes Randy Idea, the man of sailing the seven seas. “Mr. Idea, ready for our 50 day trip? “Am I ever! What a great time we will have!” It was the year 1854 in London, England. Randy Idea was the greatest sailor to ever live, he tackled the fiercest water, greatest beasts, and treacherous times. But on day 33, it came. The Imegert was the most feared beast in all the seas. Larger than the Kraken, smarter than Chuthulu, a terrible foe. It ransacked the ship, eating crew in sight, and throwing the remains all over the place. Randy Idea though survived, but awoke on an island. He soon figured out he could walk the perimeter in two hours. There was a small forest, with the luxury of in season mangos! There wasn’t a creature in sight though, and it would have been nice to have a friend. Back at home though, word got out of the attack. And Randy + the crew was declared legally dead. After a few weeks, Randy had a simple daily routine. Wake up in a small shelter, eat breakfast of later found ferrets, search the island, eat lunch of mangos, build more of his shelter, try to find a way to escape, work out, eat dinner of ferrets and mangos, go to bed in an improved shelter. He never got sick, because no one with a sickness was there. But after 200 years, someone finally came. They were in a helicopter flying around patrolling, and saw Randy working out. They rescued him, and he gave them the greatest Mangos in return for saving him. He asked what year it was, and they said 2054. Randy was puzzled but later found out that those mangos had kept him alive for 200 years. He told the men his story and they were amazed. Randy went on to live a happy life in the future of our world.

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